When You Have Trouble Forgiving Yourself, Others, or God


Dr. Cullinan addresses each of these issues and gives specific guidelines for helping you regain peace. Topics include the following: Forgiving Others, Forgiving Yourself, Forgiving God, Benefits of Forgiveness, How to Become a Forgiving Person , The Process of Forgiving, Steps to Healing , and Scriptures to help You.

See the entire Slaying the Dragons Series


As we try to navigate life, one of our biggest struggles is what to do with hurt and disappointment. Some things that happen to us seem so hurtful that forgiving the person(s) responsible for our pain is not easy. And when we feel that we have caused our misery due to bad choices, we sometimes find it impossible to forgive ourselves. When it appears that even God has abandoned us or failed to protect us or someone we love, the emotional pain can cause us to become so angry with God that we don’t want to forgive even Him.

Dr. Cullinan addresses each of these issues and gives specific guidelines for helping you regain peace. Topics include the following: Forgiving Others, Forgiving Yourself, Forgiving God, Benefits of Forgiveness, How to Become a Forgiving Person , The Process of Forgiving, Steps to Healing , and Scriptures to help You.


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